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Nu er vi inviteret indenfor hos ‘Music Tribe’ i det nodlige Århus. Music Tribe er et utroligt spændende audiofirma på internationalt plan. Music Tribe dækker over tc electronic, LABgruppen, Behringer, Tannoy, Midas og meget mere.
15.00 – Welcome and TC/MT history with Christian G. Frandsen in Town Hall area
15.20 – José Simön: “The Argument for White Box Modeling of Analog Circuits”
15.45 – Esben Skovenborg: “Dynamics and Loudness, in Music and Broadcast”
16.10 – Group A in Studio with Christian G. Frandsen discussing/demoing Atmos 9.1.6
16.10 – Group B in the Rotunda for Guitar FX Demo
16.35 – Group B in Studio with Christian G. Frandsen discussing/demoing Atmos 9.1.6
16.35 – Group A in the Rotunda for Guitar FX Demo
17.00 – Vocal processing demo in Concert Hall with Chris Clarke
17.25 – Open rehearsal with Heart Shaped Box – TC’s in-house Grunge Band, including some
live mixing FX demo by Morten Korstgård – Drinks, Snacks and Rock’n Roll
18.00 – Thank you for coming. Anybody interested in working for us, exchange details with
Claus Fromholt on the way out.
Deltager antal mellem 8 og 30 – hvis der er for få så forbeholder vi os retten til at aflyse.
Ret til ændringer forbeholdes.
Tilmelding senest den 19. marts via email.
Adresse: Ib Spang Olsens Gade 17, 8200 Aarhus N.
Med venlig hilsen
AES Danmark
Created by the industry, for the industry, as a non-profit volunteer based organization, designed to inspire, educate and promote the technology and practice of audio, by bringing leading people and ideas together.
Audio Engineering Society, Inc. All rights reserved.
Created by the industry, for the industry, as a non-profit volunteer based organization, designed to inspire, educate and promote the technology and practice of audio, by bringing leading people and ideas together.
Audio Engineering Society, Inc. All rights reserved.